Chinese 56S-3 Bakelite Full Stock, Norinco Pre Ban Fixed Stock

     The Chinese 56S-3 is a beautiful gun. They are not common, and highly desired by collectors. They do accept a Type II Bakelite Bayonet. There were two importers, I.O. SAC, CA., and CSI, LA CA. They all seem to have the slim "Poly" style Red Bakelite pistol grip. These are true Chinese AKs and have a deep blue finish, and shrouded front sight, with a 16 inch barrel.

A fair price for one of these is around the $2,000.00 ball park as a shooter.

See a video of my IACO 56S-3 here:

My IACO 56S-3 in the middle.

Red Bakelite, slip Grip

84S-3, 84S-5 Folding Stock, 56S-1 Folding Stock, and 56S-3 Full Stock

Top,  a 56S-1 Blue Bolt Spiker Double Underfolder.
Middle, a 56S-2 I.O.SAC., CA Import with Type II bayonet lug.
Bottom, a 56S-3 I.O. SAC., CA.

I.O. SAC., CA. Import
Top,  a Polytech 56S-2 without bayonet lug. It accepts a Legend Type 1 Chinese Bayonet with a wooden handle.
Middle, a 56S-3 Red Bakelite Spiker,
Bottom, a 56S-3 with bayonet lug to accept Type II bayonet. Likely an IA CO SAC Import.

Here is a beautiful 56S-3 wilt Norinco /66\ Bakelite magazines.

Here is a 56S-3 Spiker alongside a Polytech Galil.

Check out the ad below.  

The Norinco with the long barrel has a Bakelite stock, grips and Curved 1919 style pistol grip.

Far out!


  1. I don't see any mention of the ones stamped "56" without the "S", or also the ones with no importation marks. I'm assuming these were the earliest of the Chinese imports.

    1. Very nice comment. You are likely right. It is sure those mentioned guns only stamped with a 56 were of early import origins. Prior to mandatory factory arsenal marks and Made in China stamps. Many of the early gins did not even have a caliber stamped on them.

  2. I have a 56-3 with the curved 1919 grip are those common? Always see the straight grips


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