PROCHINE / SHERWOOD, Norinco, Chinese AK-47 Imports

     The PROCHINE Guns are well liked among collectors as being very original and well constructed guns. These guns may have also been in some movie house prop sets.

PROCHINE stands for Peoples Republic Of China. These guns were manufactured along with full auto military guns in Chinese state run factories.

That 87 on the trunnion that looks like part of the serial number is the Year of Import. That gun is from 1987.


      Sherwood International Export Corporation, out of Northridge, California was the American importer of these rifles. Notice how the Northridge is incorrectly spelled.

The 87 below is the year of import. Look at the carrier's serial number!
Just 5566


  1. I have a Prochine model that has a faint Arsenal marking on the trunnion and was told that it was possibly a demilled military gun that was made semi auto and exported. I was told that this might be kind of rare...let me know if youd like pictures.

  2. Need a good place to put up some Prochine pics and a place to get info...not alot out there for these as far as info!

  3. What is the value of one of these Prochine AKs?


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