The Type 56 Chinese Full Auto AK-47 Identification and selector markings. FA Carrier Identification too.

     There do seem to be some Full Auto Chinese AK Type 56 here in the US. It is also possible to purchase one, but I hear that there may only be a handful of them.
Prices for a pre-ban full auto transferable amnesty gun start at $25,000 or more.

     Their prices are very very high, beginning with 5 digits, and you will have to file paperwork with the ATF to own and purchase a full auto machine gun.

  The most recognizable difference is that there is a smaller safety lever stop than on the semi-autos, and there are also two notches, both with Chinese markings, indicating full auto and semi-auto.

      The next difference is that there is a third hole that is part of the FCG (Fire Control Group). Yes, a Third hole. Sounds fun.


     Well, the third hole has a pin that attaches to the Full Auto Sear in the Full Auto Type 56 Machine gun. This allows the sear to be held back in order not to re-lock as it would during semi-auto firing.

     The 56 were made on Milled receivers and on 1.5mm stamped receivers.

     Thanks for taking a look. Please check out the other posts on semi-auto Chinese Variations.

This is Type 56 Chinese De-milled Parts kit. Full auto, but still a stamped receiver. With a European ribbed dust cover.

This is a Full auto Milled Chinese Spiker.

That's the way we like it.
Obviously staged, but with a nice Vietnamese mama san posing with a Type 56 Milled Spiker.

Full Auto Sear Cut Original Chinese Bolt Carrier.

Full Auto Bolt Carriers have an extra cut out for the automatic sear to operate.
Here is picture of a FA carrier.
      Picture courtesy of Jopokk.

1 comment:

  1. Hello. I have some info that I can share with you, if interested. I know how you are passionate about the Chinese AK-47 rifles; while they can't be imported to the U.S and Canada, they are still very popular in Europe. NORINCO st up a distributor for the importation of various of their firearms. They import M-14's CQ-M16s and M4 style rifles, with various barrel lenghts; surplus Type 81 rifles, converted into semi-autos, and of course, AKs. They are now importing AK-103 style rifles, with their triangular folding stocks, as well with the AK-100 style stock. The company is called S.D.M. Sino Defense Manufacturing; and their weapons are very popular in Italy; Germany; Poland, etc. You can check them out by writing their name at Goggle so you can find them. Well, that's all I can offer for info. Good luck in find it.


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