G.S.A.D. Golden State Arms Distributors, AK-47 Pre Ban Imports Hollywood Stamps

    GSAD MANH. BEA., CA. was an early importer from Manhattan Beach, California. They began importing AK by 1985, and it is reputed that some of their earliest guns with stamps only on the left side were those destined for the Hollywood movie houses. The GSAD guns hold a good value with collectors, and are known for being robust, solid and with deep bluing.

     The guns with the stamp on the left side of the receiver like the picture to the right are likely the earliest imports, with less stampings.

The Imported 56S, 56S-1, Fixed Stock Spikers, and Double Underfolders.

Below are pictures of guns with more ( later) stampings.

     Here is a gun with a right side frame stamping. Obviously not bought and used in the Hollywood movie houses with obvious stamps like these.  It must be a later import like the one below.

GSAD original Box


  1. What is it worth now AK47 tYP 56 GSAD MANH. BEA..CA # 4484

  2. I would like to know fake GSADs have turned up.

  3. ON the bottom of my early receiver butting up against the spiker lower hand guard it is stamped POLY TECH CHINA My serial number is in the 4k range

  4. Got a full stock spiker with 0218 SN. Probably off the very first container.


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