Norinco, AK-47S Chinese AK-47 Pre Ban Imports and Configurations

SILE, NY Import
      Norinco exported Chinese AK through many different American importers. In both 7.62x39 and in .223/.556. The 7.62 rifles are more pricey these days. The Pre Ban ( Pre George W. Bush AWB on March 8th ban in 1989) were all manufactured before or during 1988, and were no longer imported after 1989. These early Pre Bans have bayonet lugs, spike "pig sticker" bayonets, or accept a Type II Bakelite bayonet.

Here are some pictures of the Norinco Import stamps.  Most were all produced at Factory /66\

That is the traditional and well known Norinco Stamp below.

This is a little known importer. 
Maybe just a Mac-90 ( Post Ban)  importer.

There are many, which brought in guns as early as 1983-4.

Here is a /416\ stamped Norinco

Here is the same "NORINCO"  ad through Clayco.
It is safe to presume that Claycos and Norincos are the same guns with different furniture.

1985 Import Dates.

Here are different Norinco's that I have had.

Video here of my Norinco 56S-1:

Video Here of my SILE 56S:


  1. I find it interesting that the factory 416 norinco has "m" serial number prefix. I take it to possibly mean that factory 416 might = Min Shan factory.

  2. I have a quote i obtained frome a man who lives in the town in china in witch the famous factory triangle /66\ is located.
    "Chinese Arsenal Factory No.626, whose symbol is a 66 in a triangle. No Arsenal/ Fatcory 66 at all. Factory 626 was deserted , and now most of the fatocy houses are in poor condition, nobody works there now, only a site for memory."
    If this is correct factory 66 would = factory 626. If recall correctly i have observed a sks with the triangle /626\ code and was marked norinco. Factory 626 has been proven to exist.
    Also we have all observed the very common factory triangle /66\ type 56s marked norinco.
    So it seams that norinco worked closely with factory /626\ or /66\ asit is more commonly known as.

  3. Does anyone have a sound explanation for the possible meaning to the acronym NORINCO. I have heard the meaning might possibly be nort china ind. Witch if you take the acronym for its sequence, dosnt fit.
    Could it be NORTH INDUSTRY CO.?
    Or are they simply leaveing the C for china out. NORTH CHINA IND CO "NORCINDCO"

    1. i have head several explanations for the name, but the one that seems most logical is "Northern Industries Company".

    2. I am posting an official Norinco ad at the bottom of the post.
      The China North Industries Corporation.

    3. Yes! Actual photographic evidence of the ture meaning of the acronym.

  4. Does anyone know if the circles above the oval well (magazine catch) on stamped receivers mean anything? I see that most Russian & Chinese variants have 2. Some I see have 1 or none, but once in awhile I'll see 3. A couple times on receivers similar to Mak-90's, but the rivet patterns vary, unlike Chinese variants.

    Are the circles indicative of anything specific or could they just be custom builds?

    1. Sir, I am not sure how specific they are as you wrote, but on Stamped Chinese receivers they must have some machining/ factory necessity during the build. I am willing to bet they are integral in the stamping process of lining up the flat when it is wither stamped or riveted. They are not necessary on Milled receivers, and are absent on Chinese Milled guns. Hope this helps. Please let me know if you learn more.

    2. Do you mean the dimples left from the spot welding used to attach the rails inside of the receiver? If the dimples are very light, they could be polished off during finishing and not be seen. If you look inside the gun, you will see matching dimples in the rails.

  5. Hi
    I looking for a bayonet for a chinese AK47 model 52-1,
    Do you happen to have one or know where i can source one please ?

  6. Dear sir,
    I own 56s Norinco 66 factory, fitted with a 19” barrel. Someone told me that this unusual lenght was Made to complain canadian market. Is it correct? Thank you in advance.

  7. I have a 416 marked norinco exact same in the picture. Serial number is very close within 10. This is a very unusual 56s. The only ones I've ever seen is mine and the one on this page.

  8. what are the bakelite norincos worth in excellent condition? Are the bakelite furniture models worth more?

  9. My brother has a Norinco triangle 66 56S that he is desperately trying to find out the year it was manufactured. We have the serial number that seems quite a bit shorter in length than most. It is: 409404. It also has: BCI/USA 7.62 inscribed. If anyone has any insight as to when this gun was manufactured, please let us know. Thank you

  10. I hope someone can help me. I have a pre-ban Norinco 5.56 84S /66\ triangle full stock with the cleaning kit in the butt. I guess the import marks are CSI DAL TX the serial # is low. Just above 301XXX. Does anyone know what the CSI DAL TX is for? or any other info on this gun might be?

  11. what is the muzzle thread pattern on a Norinco pre-ban AKS in 223. I want to find a type 74 break for it instead of the slant break it came with.


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