I.A.C.O. S.A.C. C.A. 56S-2 and 56S-3 Pre Ban Chinese Ak-47 Rifles

Factory /66\   Type 56 ( S= Semi Auto )

     IAO SAC, California bought in some different guns. They brought in sidefolders, and 56S-3, Red Bakelite full stock guns.

All of the IA CO  SAC CA rifles are denoted like the following picture. They do not have a rifle designation more than a 56S,  but some of them are side folders, or 56S-3 full stock models, however, most sport wood furniture.

Please see this video of my IACO Rifles together: Both 56S-3 and 56S-2.

Here is a PRC ( People's Republic of China) import, through IA CO SACramento, CA.

Here are pictures of Mine Below. 


  1. What is the furniture that is on the PRC in the picture?

    1. It is a sidefolder in Dark Red Norinco Bakelite. But I have seen 56S-1 undefrfolders with the wood furniture with the same stamp.

  2. Thank you for the info. I have a stamped receiver, fixed stock version with same receiver stamp, but no barrel stamp. I'm not sure if the rifle came with the bakelite or was added later as I'm not original owner. The PRC stamped rifles seem to be less common than some of the other importers.

  3. I have one that is only marked importer on end of barrel and a "56" on in where 56S would be.Nothing more.Wood set.


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