The Chinese AK-47 Blog will help you identify versions of Imported Chinese AK-47. Especially Chinese Pre Bans, and all of their features, including Side Folders, Under Folders, Double Under-Folders, Spikers, Milled Receivers, Muzzle Breaks, Bakelite, and Bayonets. Magazine types and their identification. In short, all things Chinese AK-47 related! Use the Search Function to the right with Key Words. Please comment below each post to help with proper identification.
Under George Bush the 1st on March 14th, 1989, who ran for President the previous year on a platform that would not create any legislature banning or stopping the import of firearms. Here is the LINKabove to the New York Times article from March 15th, 1989. ( MUST READ)
Please don't mistake this Ban with the 1994 Assault Weapons Ban under Bill Clinton. The 1989 George Bush ban gave the teeth to Bill Clinton's AWB. Firearms prohibited by make and model (Category I & III)
The following designated semiautomatic firearms are defined as assault weapons by Penal Code section 30510:
Here is the Type 56S semiautomatic AK-47. This is your standard full stock stamped Chinese AK-47 that takes a Type II bayonet.
They were mostly imported by Norinco, and Polytech did not import this configuration. Almost always made at Factory /66\.
These are high quality guns but largely used as shooters, as there are more valuable collectors guns in more desirable configurations out there.
These are good pre ban guns, and are made to the same standards as all of the others, although undef-folders, and spikers surely are more covetable on the market.
Here are my 56 Fixed stock rifles in a video if you are interested.
Here is my Sile N.Y. 56S, from factory /66\
Alongside an 84S for comparison.
This gun is in The Valley Walker Collection.
They all came from the factory with 3x 30 round magazines, sling, Type II bayonet, oilier and gas tube reamer. Also, they have tube style cleaning kits inserted into the hole in their stocks.
Regardless of importer, all of the standard Type 56S Chinese AK are good solid copies of the fully automatic and internationally exported Type 56. Good reliable guns.
The Type 88SB is a Chinese copy of a true Khyber Pass AKS. These guns were made in .223 of course. They did make them with a foreward bayonet lug, beneath the front sight base. They can accept a bayonet with or without the AK-74 muzzle break installed.
I would like to see a picture of that. please send in one if you own an 88SB.
A few were made in 7.62x 39, but not many.
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Here is a full stock 88SB on the right. I was told by the owner that it is calipered in 7.62x39.
This is a Type 88SB with triangle folding stock. See the clip? it is a .556 cal.
This is a new manufacture NORINCO AK-103. With the assault ban in place, we can not get them into the U.S. anymore, so the few that were brought in before 1989 are very very rare.
I wanted to make a post to show off the various Chinese Muzzle breaks in one forum. They are all Left Hand threaded breaks, (14 x 1mm. LH), and can all be threaded onto any of the Chinese Pre-Ban Rifles.
To the right is a photo of ALL7 Chinese AK Brakes available. There is also a Type 84S birdcage flash hider in 5.66x45 that I will show below.
From Left to Right
1) Polytech National Match Cone Flash Hider
2) Polytech / Norinco AK-74 Style break
3) Norinco Short AK-74 Break, for use with Spiker Bayonets, to allow them to fold out fully.
4) Polytech / Norince RPK Muzzle Break
5) Norinco Type 86S Bullpup Fish Lips Flash Hider and Wire Cutter
6) Norinco Type 56 Slant Break
7) Polytech Muzzle Nut ( don't hold out for one of those coming up for sale)
8) The 84S 5.56x45 only bird cage flash hider. See Photo farther down.
That massive cone below, as I was told, a Chinese Machine Gun cone.
Video here of AL 7 Chinese AK-47 Brakes:
Polytech Muzzle Nut
That is a Polytech Muzzle Nut on the right.
They were issued with all Polytechs.
Norinco Slant break
Here is a Norinco Slant Break.
Most Norinco Ak were imported with one already threaded on.
The slant is supposed to help send the gas up and to the right, in order to counteract the way the way that these guns kick. They should help the gun stay on target for follow up shots.
Chinese Slant Muzzle Break
Slant break
This is a Type 84-S 5.56x45 Bird Cage Flash Hider. It will thread on a Type 56, but the bore is too small to pass a 7.62x39 bullet, so make sure not to shoot one.
Only good for .223 bullets to pass.
Notice the length of the break, it is longer than the European and knock off bird cage breaks, and the bluing is much nicer on the Chinese ones.
Here is a Type 87S Chinese RPK Muzzle break.
I love them. They are very hard to locate, but they make very accurate follow up shots in semiautomatic mode.
This is my favorite break to shoot.
I can double tap with one of these on!
Type 87S RPK Muzzle Break
Here is the 87S Chinese RPK Muzzle Break installed on an 87S.
Notice how the front sight base is located before the Bipod. That is the best way to tell the difference between a Post-Ban NHM (fake RPK) and a True Pre-Ban 87S RPK.
The 87S RPK has the bi-Pod located on the muzzle side of the front sight base, as pictured to the left.
Two different Chinese styles. One believed to be Norinco and one Polytech. I believe it was more a difference in factory, not competing arms companies.
The bottom brake in the photo is not chinese. The top brake, the short Type 74 Chinese Brake is really great on a spiker, allowing it completely lock in the fixed position. These are hard to locate. As pictured in the group shot at the top of this post.
This is a Polytech National Match Cone Flash Hider.
They were only issued with the National Match guns.
Cone Flash Hider on a National Match.
National Match Muzzle break Flash Hider
This a Type 74 Chinese Style Muzzle Break.
They look great and work well.
I keep one installed on my 56S-2 Red Bakelite Sidefolder.
Chinese Type 74 Flash Hider Muzzle Break
The Bluing is amazing in person, and they add to the Bad Ass look of a Pre-Ban rifle.
New in wrap.
I just sold this one on Gun Broker.
Here is a Type 86S Norinco Bullpup Fish Lips Flash Hider.
They were only issued with the Norinco 86S Bullpups.
The story is that they were created so that a piece of Barbed Wire could be twisted slightly by the "Fish Lips" and then a round could be spent, and thus cut the barbed wire.
If that is true, these guns were specifically designed for Urban combat situations, where barbed wire would be encountered.
It will cut the wire, but would be a bit noisy.
Type 74 Style Short Break is to be used on Spikers, as it allows the bayonet to be extended fully with the break on.
Muzzle Nut, Ak-74 Short Break, Type 56 Slant Break