Chinese 56S-2 Sidefolder Spiker from Mr. David Keng's Personal Collection: 1:1 Imported

The rifle on the bottom is the 56S-2 Sidefolder Spiker
     I was scanning the ads as usual and saw a unique piece. At first glance it seemed to reek that it was a garage made Bubba knock off. When I read the short listing, which was much too short to explain the pedigree or history of the rifle, I was heavily intrigued. After a few emails that were not answered by the FFL who was selling this fine gun on consignment,    there was finally a reply.

     I had watched as this rifle did not receive any bids in two or three full week long auctions. Finally received an email from the FFL who had it in his possession. He was from Georgia, and occasionally sells firearms for Mr. David Keng, owner and founder of Polytech, KFS, (Keng Firearm Specialties).

Here is Mr. David Keng with the Rifle
 before shipping it out.

    Once I heard that, I was sure the gun was authentic, and Chinese Arsenal built. As promised, when  the firearm arrived at my FFL, this factory /416\ AKS-7.62 came with a personal letter from Mr. David Keng to myself. He stated how this exact rifle was the only one ever imported into the United States, and that it had been the test rifle sent to BATFE in late 1988 for their evaluation.

     The rifle's configuration was passed by the BATFE after several months, and then sent back to Mr. Keng, with permission to import them in vast droves. Although in the meantime, it had become 1989, and the Bush the 1 Ban on "Foreign Assault Weapons" was passed. Mr. Keng said how "Sadly, none others even were imported." He said how he kept the gun in his office for 25 years, and finally decided to let

it go. I was the happy winner of the auction.

Video here:   

     Enjoy the picks of the only Chinese Polytech Factory 416 56S-2 Sidefolder Spiker in America.

   Here is a close up of the sidefolding stock while folded.

    That is some of my spare Bakelite in the background.

     From the front.

     Yes, that is a Polytech AK-74 Style Muzzle Break. It came with a Polytech Muzzle Nut, which I have put away, along with the "original" wood hand guards and HK-91 wood pistol grip with DK's DNA on it, as photographed above.
That is a Russian Tula magazine inserted into her. It matches the lighter Poly Red more than Darker Norinco Bakliete Mags.
I have now located a light Poly Red Norinco Bakelite mag, that matches the light red color of my bakelite set.

Red Bakelite Spiker Cut.

Here she is with her factory sisters.
That is a (386) Poly Sidefolder
The David's /416\ Sidefolder spiker
and my /66\ IACO SAC Bakelite sidefolder.

If you like Asian girls as much as I do,  read a copy of my damn book.

Its the wildest true story from ASIA this century.

There is David Keng with it, before I bought it.
He had it with wood furniture, and a Polytech HK91 type Grip on it, photo'd below as well.
Yes, I will be keeping the original furniture from David for ever.

I also have a personal letter from him to myself, explaining how this was the only one imported in this configuration.

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