Chinese Norinco Collection AK Girls out for the Day

Here are my Chinese Girls all lined up. Which one is sexiest?  Please comment below.

Video of some of them here:

  From left to right:

1) FTC Woodland Hills Double Underfolder

2) Polytech AKS-762 Red Bakelite Sidefolder Spiker. This is an original I assure you. I was in Mr. David Keng's collection until I bought it.

3) Type 56S SILE NY import, blue bolt in Black Bakelite.

4) Type 86S Norinco Bullpup

Above:   My SILE Blue Bolt in Black Bakelite. Original. NIB.

     1 of 1 imported. This is the only Red Bakelite Sidefolder Spiker ever imported. It was from David Kengs personal collection.  He sent it to me with a personal letter explaining how it is the only one imported, and how it was sent to the BATF for inspection in 1987, but the 1988 Ban was put into place, and none others like it made it in.

FTC Woodland Hills, 3 digit serial number. Red Bakelite, with 75 round drum.

Here is my Type 86S Bullpup. That is a Chinese 20 round Star magazine inside it.

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