NASI, Midland TX, Norinco AK-47, Super Rare import.

 I do not know how many NASI were imported, but it was few. These are about the least common importer to locate. I have only seen some 56S-1 and 56S Models.

Please see mine here.  She is a pristine NIB example. I was super lucky to come upon this one at a local gun store.   Blond wood is unbelievable.  I just love it.

She mine in the photos below... Mine was import stamped on JUN 03 1986.

Nasi Midland TX.
( People's Republic of China) 

Chinese Black Bakelite Spiker Furniture, and Full Stock Red Bakelite Spikers: In Iran Only

 Well,  you've gotta see these photos, or you wouldn't believe me.

These are Iranian Special Forces showing off their pretty little gloves and hankies, along with some of the nicest Chi Com furniture sets ever produced.

Those are 7.62x39 Black Bakelite Fixed Stock Rifles.


Here is what they look like. I was sure they were modified at first, but they indeed are originals.

Here is a nice group of Jihadis out for a walk with their Black Spikers.  I like the little flags draped over the bayonets.

Here is another group out with their traditional Sidefolders, but with Blue Bolts.  These are hot rifles.

This photo below may show off the black stocks best. It looks to me that these are "regular" length Chi Com stocks, and not Norinco 84S elongated stocks.  But you can be the judge.

This is my favorite photo.  Iranian Guards with RED BAKELITE FIXED STOCK SPIKERS.
I know it has been said that these were never produced. That is not true, unless this pic is AI.

I believe I can see both straight and curved Norinco / Polytech style grips in this photo.   They may have even staggered them in the line.    

Here I am in 1986, 1987, and 1988, when I was learning to appreciate the AK!!!!!!!

This is me with my Armi Yager AP-22 in 1988.

I was 8 at the time.

I began to appreciate the awesomeness of the AK, and I have strived to learn about then ever since.

Check out these picks, and get a copy of my story.


I was prepared for RED DAWN even before I saw the movie.

The Chinese AK-47 Blog is Back on YOUTUBE

Here are my girls this past May. 
I just love them all.  I love spikers. I love everything Chicom AK related.
Please see the girls in their photos below.

Here the current 15.

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