These are Iranian Special Forces showing off their pretty little gloves and hankies, along with some of the nicest Chi Com furniture sets ever produced.
Those are 7.62x39 Black Bakelite Fixed Stock Rifles.
The Chinese AK-47 Blog will help you identify versions of Imported Chinese AK-47. Especially Chinese Pre Bans, and all of their features, including Side Folders, Under Folders, Double Under-Folders, Spikers, Milled Receivers, Muzzle Breaks, Bakelite, and Bayonets. Magazine types and their identification. In short, all things Chinese AK-47 related! Use the Search Function to the right with Key Words. Please comment below each post to help with proper identification.
These are Iranian Special Forces showing off their pretty little gloves and hankies, along with some of the nicest Chi Com furniture sets ever produced.
Those are 7.62x39 Black Bakelite Fixed Stock Rifles.
I was 8 at the time.
I began to appreciate the awesomeness of the AK, and I have strived to learn about then ever since.
Check out these picks, and get a copy of my story.